Mass Communication

Department of Mass Communication

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Social Media

One-Year Certificate in... 

Print Journalism
Radio Journalism
Television Journalism
Social Media Journalism

Emmanuel University offers functional education. Theories are little or next to zero in the learning conveyed at Emmanuel University. Essentially, Emmanuel University students gather knowledge they can use; in fact, they begin to use while still learning. Nobody graduates from Emmanuel University without demonstrating a practical knowledge of what is learned. Here in the Mass Communication Department, students begin their internship from Day 1 of enrollment in the program. By so doing, they become versed in the discipline. Emmanuel University believes that individuals do not need four years to become mass communicators. Therefore, our students are given intensive training in their chosen specialization. They are expected to create rather than seek jobs. They create jobs for themselves, grow, and create job positions for others (employees). Doctorate degree faculty from different specializations including Business contribute to the knowledge our Mass Communications students need to succeed as independent journalists in all the listed journalism areas. The era of bogus subjects has passed. Emmanuel University is in the success business where every course, every subject, every program is designed to lead the learner to self-employment and economic independence.

Print Journalism

This specialization exposes students to the nuances and intricacies of print journalism. This specialization exposes students to creation, use, management of newsletters, newspapers, magazines, local tabloids, digital news publications.

Radio Journalism

This specialization exposes students to all aspects of radio broadcasting; concepts, scripts, rendition, talk, music, drama, etc. A student is expected to become versed in one or more of these areas, and develop a money-making effort in that direction.

Television Journalism

This specialization exposes students to all the radio elements and goes on to the visual aspects of all those radio broadcasting. Students are able carve a niche for themselves in the tube segment of communication. They can practice analog or digital. They can also combine the two modalities.

Social Media Journalism

This specialization exposes students to the concept of 'communication-on-the-go'. Students learn how to catch passing fads, create stories around them, create markets around them, create human and promotions around them, convey them to the consumers.

Students can begin to find markets for themselves while still studying.

1-Year Certificate
16 Credits
Online Classroom Lectures
Instant 12-month Internship
International Exposure
Doctorate Degree Lecturers
Doctorate Degree Guides

Get In The Mass Communication Classroom.
If You Enroll in the 1-Year Program:
Earn your Proficiency Certificate.
Get Assigned to a Supervisor.
Get Assigned to Internship with Emmanuel University Press.
Demonstrate Conscientiousness.
Pursue money opportunities with the skills you are gathering.

Application Fee  -   $100.00
Course Fee       -    2,000.00
Total Remittance - $2,100.00

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