Faculty Training Program

Faculty Training Program
Entirely Online

Many people are getting doctorate degrees. Graduation rates are extremely high. The attendant saturation has reduced applicants' chances of landing teaching jobs.  This FTP program equips the individuals to stand out from the crowd of faculty job applicants. Even though this program does not guarantee faculty jobs, it places you in the running because Emmanuel University has  the following:
The most practical approach.
The richest faculty training program.
The most effective delivery.
The best (simultaneous) teaching practice deployment that eliminates:
- Exposure gap
- Experience gap
- Visibility gap
- Strength gap.
You perform full faculty tasks while still in training.
Practice Makes Perfect!

Faculty Training Program (F.T.P.) is entirely online.


Jan 2025 Cohort Ad

Register for the training at the bottom of this page.
No long forms to complete.

Faculty Training Program
Online FTP

3-Month Certificate
FTP 8100
4 Credits
Practicing School Experience

6-Month Certificate
FTP 8100, FTP 8200
8 Credits
Practicing School Experience

1-Year Certificate
FTP 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400
16 Credits
Practicing School Experience

Universities are looking for highly experienced faculty talents. A huge pool of doctorate holders exists. The doctorate holders are scrambling for university teaching jobs. They respond to virtually all HigherEd Job Postings. Only a few of them make it through the second interview. Why? Is it because the doctorate holders are low quality? No! Not at all. The doctorate holders are experiencing turbulence in their sellers' market. There is a high demand for talent. However, the universities do not want to give a contract to a faculty talent with NO proof of real experience.

Tutoring experience does not satisfy the universities.
Workshop experience does not satisfy the universities.
Seminar experience does not satisfy the universities.
The universities want talents with verifiable real-world experience
in the online classroom.
That specific experience is available
at Emmanuel University Faculty Training Program - here!


Get In The FTP Classroom.
If You Enroll in the 1-Year Program:
Earn your Faculty Teaching Experience.
Take the Faculty Online Certification (FREE) -
($500 Value) and get the Certificate.
Get Assigned to an Ongoing Course.
Get Listed as Adjunct Faculty.
Demonstrate Conscientiousness.
List Emmanuel University on your CV.
Receive References on Demand.
After one year, pay 25% to stay at EUFTP.
Get connected to other EU opportunities.

The training activities will take place on Moodle Learning System and will last 4 Quarters. Each Quarter carries a weight of 4 credits. All activities are aimed at giving the Faculty Trainee extensive exposure and practice in all aspects of faculty work. Each Quarter will focus on a specific area. By the Final Quarter, the faculty trainee would have achieved extensive exposure, experience, and the much-coveted Faculty Online Certificate. Faculty Online Certification (FOC) is a $500 4-week intensive certification that is a bonus to this program at no extra charge.

Below is the course pool for FTP Classroom Activities:

FTP8101 Welcome Your Students
FTP8102 Set Academic Standards
FTP8103 Communication Tone

FTP8204 Assessment Choices
FTP8205 Grading Ramifications
FTP8206 Learning Platforms

FTP8307 Taking Charge
FTP8307 Underpromise Overperform
FTP8308 Counterpart Interface

FTP8409 Institutional Leadership Presence
FTP8410 Solo Teaching
FTP8411 Co-teaching

Faculty Online Certification (FOC):
The FOC will run concurrently with the other training courses instead of covering a separate 4-week period. The FOC content mirrors EVERYTHING the teaching faculty does in the online classroom officially called courseroom. Attendees are already doctorate holders, although there have been situations where ambitious master’s degree holders pursue the certification. The ultimate expectation is that an individual who completes the FOC training will not be a stranger in any online learning environment. The only difference is that different universities use different learning platforms such as WebCT, Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and myriad others. Before a university decides to employ a new faculty, the university will use the interview opportunities to confirm faculty prospects’ preparedness. Those who pass through Emmanuel University confirm positive feedback from university interviewers. When a university finally employs the new faculty, the university will expose the new faculty to the specific learning management software the institution uses.

Training participants must post original materials in the course of the training.
Copyrighted materials are not allowed in the submissions.
Citations are not required in discussion posts.
Citations are required in Assignments.
Collaboration is allowed in all the activities.
One-Year Post-doctoral Certificate will be issued to doctorate holders
who complete the program.
One-Year Post-Master Certificate will be issued to master’s degree holders who complete the program.
6-Month Certificate will be issued to the applicable Enrollees.
3-Month Certificate will be issued to the applicable Enrollees.

The applicable syllabus for each program will be posted to the Moodle Courseroom before class commencement.

The Faculty Training Program (F.T.P.) is not an academic program. It is a skill acquisition program. Emmanuel University is incorporated in the State of North Carolina and covered under the First Pentecostal Power Fellowship federal tax exemption EIN: 56-2136249. Your remittance is a donation.

Application Fee  -   $100.00
Course Fee       -    2,000.00
Total Remittance - $2,100.00

To Register for FTP,
Please Pay with the Buy Button.

Zelle ID  -  (919) 264-7882

Register Today!!!!!!!!!!!!