Human Resource Management Certification Program
Corporations are looking for highly experienced talents. In fact, corporations are looking for the right caliber of people to hire talent for them. A vacuum has been left in the public and private sectors. Consequently, the gaping hole is beckoning. The need for Human Resource Management has become visible beyond description. Human Resource jobs are being advertised, but the hiring managers are not finding the talents when they interview the applicants. Why is that? The applicants are not speaking HR Language. In essence, there is a high demand for talent. However, individuals have to first submit themselves to the Emmanuel University Human Resource Program for refinement. Hiring managers will not give a contract to a Human Resource job applicant without requisite grilling and proof of real experience.

The training activities will take place on Moodle Learning System and will last 12 Weeks. Each Week carries a weight of 2 credits for a total of 6 credits. All training activities aim to give the trainees extensive exposure and practice in all aspects of human resource management. Each Week will focus on a specific area. By the end of the 12 weeks, the trainee would have achieved extensive exposure, practical experience, a high level of confidence, and the highly coveted Emmanuel University certification in Human Resource Management. Acceptance Fee into this program is $150. The Training Fee is $750 (currently $500 for a limited time)
Training participants must post original materials in the course of the training.
Copyrighted materials are not allowed in the submissions.
Citations are not required in discussion posts.
Collaboration is allowed in all the activities.
One-Year Post-doctoral Certificate will be issued to doctorate holders
who complete the program.
EUHRC will be issued to trainees who complete the intensive program.
The training syllabus will be posted to the Moodle Courseroom before the first day of class.